If all else fails, try this: As close to the phone as possible, put a ~56
Ohm resistor in series with each side of the telephone line. Then connect a
..01 ufd 300V capacitor across the line on the telephone side of the
resistors. The capacitor has to be high voltage, because during ringing, the
voltage can be around 200 Volts.
"Igor V. Lapko" wrote in message
Hello dear all !
I am using R-7000 vertical located on the roof of 9-store building.
I was happy to notice the absence of any QRM for both radio and TV
broadcasting with my new 1 KW amplifier.
But there is the only problem with neighbor from the last floor - he can
hear some SSB transmission in his phone and
It slows down or even breaks the dial up connection to Internet.
Are there any links for ready or homebrew RF filter for "last mile" of
phone line?
Any suggestion for this case?
Is it possible to ovecome this problem at all ?
73 de UR5EOA