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Old January 12th 04, 06:44 PM
Duane Allen
Posts: n/a

At the 2003 ARRL Southwestern Division Conference, Steve Jensen, W6RHM,
gave a very informative presentation titled "EMC for the Ham Shack".
Steve's paper described how RF could easily be induced into a shack's AC
power line. He also provided a relatively simple easy solution.

Steve suggested using Fair-rite 5943003801 cores. These are relatively
large cores. An AC power plug will fit through them. One core should
be on the coax line near the antenna. Another core should be placed on
the AC power cord of your power supply. This should minimize inducing
RF into the building's AC system.

A supplier of Fair-rite cores is Loadstone Pacific The price per core is under $5. They
do have a $50 minimum per order.

Duane Allen, N6JPO

Igor V. Lapko wrote:

I am using R-7000 vertical located on the roof of 9-store building.
I was happy to notice the absence of any QRM for both radio and TV broadcasting with my new 1 KW amplifier.
But there is the only problem with neighbor from the last floor - he can hear some SSB transmission in his phone and
It slows down or even breaks the dial up connection to Internet.
Are there any links for ready or homebrew RF filter for "last mile" of phone line?
Any suggestion for this case?
Is it possible to ovecome this problem at all ?
73 de UR5EOA