Could you do me a small favor?
Friends, SWLs, and radio pirates,
I have a personal favor to ask.
Can I snitch on you?
It doesn't really matter what I could snitch on you for, and it doesn't
necessarily have to be pirate radio-related. Anything will do.
Stealing a candy bar when you were eight years old, parking ever so
slightly into the space next to you, or putting your trash in your
neighbors' cans.
You see, I've run out of people in the pirate scene who want to
associate with me. I don't know why, but they all seem super butthurt
over a little snitching I did on them a few years back. I mean, come
on - *everyone* snitches! It's not like it's not expected or anything.
So if you could find it in your heart to let me snitch on you - no
matter how infractious or felonious the crime - I'd really appreciate
it if you'd let me.
Forever yours in snitchery,