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Old June 5th 04, 04:25 AM
Keyboard In The Noise
Posts: n/a

FYI Phonetic Tare

Main Entry: 2tare
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Old Italian tara, from
Arabic tarha, literally, that which is removed
1 : a deduction from the gross weight of a substance and its container made
in allowance for the weight of the container; also : the weight of the

And as I sed

From URL:

Pre-1954 U.S. Navy Radio Alphabet: (Communications Handbook, 1945)

Able Baker Charlie Dog Easy Fox George How Item Jig King
Love Mike Nan Oboe Peter Queen Roger Sugar Tare Uncle Victor
William X-ray Yoke Zebra

Also from the same website:
German army handbook 90/91: Alfa Foxtrott Juliett.
Italian version: Alfa Charly FoxTrot Giuliet Romio Wiskey.
An Indonesian phrase book: Beta Ultra Volvo Whisky X-ray.
A precursor of the present alphabet (1952?) had: Alfa Coca
Metro Nectar Siera Union Whisky Extra]

Keyboard In The Noise

Opinions are the cheapest commodities in the world. Author unknown but
"right on"

"Aaron Lake" wrote in message
"Rich S." wrote:

I remember a lot of the different phonetics used and "Tare"

Yes, Tare for "T" seems to ring a bell. "Tere" threw me as I read it as


"Nan" "November"

Yep remember these being used too.

or "Nectar" for "N"

Nectar? Maybe a CB crossover??

and I seem to remember "Marie" or "Mary" for "M".

Well Mary was the correct one anyway.

'Course, I learned my Morse code

That's one of the nice things about Morse, no Phonetics...

when Truman was pres.

Well the closest to Truman I can come is my 1947 Callbook. It would have

'John Thomas Mary' using that books ARRL list. That was only slightly

from 'John Tom Mary' in the "Western Union Key Words" phonetics for

amateurs in
my 1934 Callbook. However in the 1973 Callbook the "ARRL adopted

Civil Aviation Organization" phonetics list had changed things completely

'Juliet Tango Mike'. So what the hey, maybe we can get Nectar in
