June 29th 04, 12:50 AM
Check this site:
Mike Andrews wrote:
I'm working on getting my General, finally, after letting my Novice
lapse in 1963 or 1964.
If one of you fine folks has a page from one of those callbooks
Mike Andrews
7663 Belgard
Houston TX 77033
and is willing to copy-and-mail it, or to fax it, or to
scan-and-E-mail it, I'd like to hear from you, as I'd like to use my
existing credit for Element One.
It's worth a steak dinner at The Cattlemen's Cafe in Oklahoma City to
the first one who sends it to me, next time he or she's out in the
.okc.ok.us area.
Please respond by E-mail if you want to fax it or send snail mail to
me. The reply address is valid if you want to scan-and-E-mail; PNG or
TIF preferred, as Jpeg is lossy.