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Old July 1st 04, 02:58 AM
Posts: n/a

Poor Dan and Randy...I hope the FCC yanks their amateur privs!!

"Roger" wrote in message
Oh, for God's sake leave Dan out of this. Just because a couple of YOU

been hammered by Riley I guess you think it fun to pick on Dan.
All Dan did was cuss out a couple of deserving individuals, but never did

throw carriers on his detractors, nowhere did he post malicious lies about
them or slander anybody's character or go to great lengths to malign his
detractors by posting bogus "police reports", "credit reports" or their

addresses. Dan is a bigger man than that and need not stoop to the low

of some Hams we know.
Dan, to my knowledge, has never stalked anybody either over the Internet

via the Ham bands and has been up front and honest about his

He does not lurk in the background, does not send anonymous magazine
subscriptions to those with whom he disagrees nor does he practice making
late night hang-up phone calls to their homes.
If Dan disagrees with you he lets you know up front and right now. And he
lets it go. Dan has no interest in sending anonymous diatribes to the
neighbors of his detractors. He sees no need to research the backgrounds

his detractors nor would he lower himself to making anonymous calls to

employers. Dan is above that sort of low level underhandedness. He tells

how he sees it and lets it go at that.

Apparently there a few scorned Ham ops who want to drag Dan down with
them...misery loves company as is oft said. To those few Hams I say, sweep
your own doorstep before you concern yourselves with others.

Dan may be controversial and perhaps lets his anger rule on occasion, and
yes, he can be confrontative but he is up front and honest. He lets you

where he stands on issues but Dan will never stoop so low as to stalk his
So, with this in mind, so what he got a warning letter from Riley? He was
told to watch his language...unlike some of you dudes who were forced to
retest or put on notice about malicious interference. Those of you who are
guilty of more serious violations might best serve yourselves by shutting

and bearing in mind your own transgressions lest some of us "remind" you


Carry on, Dan.