Detroit Radio...Where are they Now?
On Friday, February 19, 2016 at 2:58:02 PM UTC-6, wrote:
On Saturday, October 28, 1995 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, wrote:
A couple of us were sitting around last night wondering what happened
to some of the guys and girls that passed thru Detroit Radio,
particularly WDRQ. Here are some of the name we were wondering about?
Bob Pittman
Brian White
Russ Gibb
Dave Abernathy
Dave Wahl
Cliff Winston
George Moore
Dave Scott
Carl Como
Mark Driscoll
Chuck Scott
Lynn Woodison
Eric Goldberg
Stu Schader
James Brian Siciliano
Don Riley
Doak Breen
Jim Harper
Mark London
Jerry St. James
Zach Burns/Tom Force
China Jones/Ted Ferguson
Jerry Clifton
Tom Morgan
Michael Stevens
Rockin' Ron Baptist
Bill Garcia
Skip Herman
Dirty Steve Rivers
Joey Ryan
Scott Regan
Paul Nicholas"The Gospel According to Paul"
Doug Banks
Kurt Kelly
Bill Bailey
Jim Hawk
Tom "Jive" Jeffries
Pat Evens
Steve Summers aka Steve LaBeau
Jim Ryan
And any other "DRQ" alumni you can think of. Where did they all go?
Don Cristi here was a GM for the last nine years, run my own voiceover biz under my real name Don Wagner.FYI "Dr.Q" passed away several years back in New Mexico
Steve Rivers(Steve Humphries)went on to program Z93, WIFI (and back to WDRQ) became a pioneer in Spanish Radio, serving as a GM and Executive at Heftel Broadcasting, Spanish Broadcasting System. He currently owns a Florida Ad Agency.