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Old July 2nd 03, 05:47 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Dick Carroll; wrote:

Mike Coslo wrote:

Kim W5TIT wrote:

Dan, I can understand your exasperation with people who choose not to learn
CW or decide that they don't like it. However, that is as far as the
understanding goes. It seems impossible to me that you can't understand
that people know what they do, or don't, like.

We all have to learn things that we may not like all that much. I had
to sit and learn classes in school that I found boring to distraction.

Betcha you decided that some of them that you thought you'd never like turned out
to be interesting after all, too. Most folks mature into understanding that as a
possibility, even a liklihood. SOME don't.

I remember, as a high school freshman, hating history class - until we really got
into it. I later minored in history.

Absolutely! We just don't know what will interest us as we go through life.

.....does that make people who automatically know that they don't like
Morse and will never use it "know it all's" (sorry, couldn't help it)
;^) my bad!

For instance, I happen to absolutely know I would not enjoy jumping out of
an airplane to parachute. I've never tried it, no. But I don't intend to
because "it's just not me."

But if you wanted to parachute out of planes, you would indeed have to
jump out of a plane. I know that sounds redundant or maybe redumbdant,
but it helps prove my point. You aren't that interested in that sort of
hobby, so you don't do it. It is strange that so many people have a
problem with my basic premise: that people who aren't willing to learn
the requirements are not all that interested in the ARS. In this case,
the requirement is the Morse test.

The best proof of that is in the millions of hams since the end of the 18th
century who DID learn the code without hesitation or even giving it a passing
thought as to how "unnecessary" it might be. Basics are never "unnecessary".

I just thought of it as another part of the testing process. That I had
my own difficulties with it, or whether or not it was applicable or not
(IMO it is) was and is irrelevant. It's there, it's part of the test.
Just do it. (all apologies to Nike)

- Mike KB3EIA -