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Old July 5th 03, 02:34 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Kim W5TIT wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message

Dan/W4NTI wrote:

I could have stopped at 5 and got my 'Technician ticket' and stayed


for decades until the FCC dropped the HF CW to 5. But I chose NOT TO DO
THAT. I completely skipped the Technician. I went from Novice straight


General, then up. I did so because I knew if I would have gotten on two
meter AM as a Novice, I would have gotten the Tech then stayed a Tech.


forced myself to learn CW. And one day I passed that 12 wpm block. And


KEPT pushing myself to get better. Thats my story. Perhaps that will
explain why I think as I do.

Thank you Dan! You made just about perfect illustration of what I was
saying. You were interested enough, and definitely MORE interested thatn
those who chose not to do what you did.

- Mike KB3EIA -

You really think that just because someone learns CW, they have "more"
interest in ham radio? You really do, Mike?

Oh well...

As long as it is one of the requirements, most certainly it is! I don't
care if a person ever uses Morse code aftward, but as long as it is a
test requirement.....

Take my case. I'm a pretty smart guy, despite a person here who thinks
I'm a hockey puck. But picking up Morse code was really difficult for
me. But I really wanted that ticket, so I learned it. The Written parts
were a breeze.

Now let's say I figured I'd just wait till the Morse requirement went
away before I went to the trouble of testing. That would have meant that
I was interested, but not interested enough to study for and take the
test - I was just as interested in waiting.

- Mike KB3EIA -