"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Kim W5TIT wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Bill Sohl wrote:
Bottom line: Knowledge of morse is neither a positive or negative
indication of any individual's interest(s) in ham radio.
It is if a person refuses to learn it, or waits until the requirement
goes away.
Mike, I think you'll be quite disappointed if you "trust" in someone's
interest level based on their relationship (or lack of) with CW.
Not the CW, Kim. It's any part of the testing regimen that a person
"won't" take. If a person refuses to take the Extra test, they aren't
that interested in being an Extra.
Let's even take your own case. You're a Tech Plus, IIRC. Are you
interested in taking the General test? If yes, you'll be studying for
it. If not, then you aren't that interested in becoming a General.
- Mike KB3EIA -
Mike, you keep bouncing back and forth between whehter your issue is that
someone who doesn't take a General exam is less interested in being a
General, or someone who doesn't take a General exam is less interested in
*ham radio*.
Thus, I give up even trying to understand your issue.