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Old July 9th 03, 05:02 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

Phil, I doubt you're kidding, but a single wire with a ground return? That
is going to have a ton of problems even *without* putting broadband on it.
My guess is if it is implemented, everyone should look up all am radio
stations that they fall in the secondary service area of (or near the limit
of the primary service area) and find one or more that the system interferes
with. Then complain to the commercial station and the FCC that you want to
hear the commercial station. The FCC tends to react to problems involving
commercial radio stations quite quickly (as some outlaw FM broadcasters have
found out). I wonder how the broadband will impact the newly developed am
stereo broadcasting? At least the commercial stations have deep pockets
(since there are only a few owners of almost all the radio and television
stations in the US nowadays).

73 from Rochester, NY

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