Thread: What of NCI?
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Old July 10th 03, 03:56 PM
Carl R. Stevenson
Posts: n/a

"Brian Kelly" wrote in message
"Bill Sohl" wrote in message


Did you know that Carl was in Geneva as a member of the
US delegation? Seems pretty respected in ITU circles to me.

Blather, he was just another observer with some commercial interest
group he's involved with, had absolutely nothing to do with ham
radio, not even close.

Actually, I was a "Private Sector Advisor" member of the US Delegation
(that's different than an "Observer" ... IARU was an "Observer" not a
member of a Member State Delegation)

I was officially listed on the Delegation as a private sector expert on
Item 1.7, as well as the agenda items that my employer sent me for. (This
because I was heavily involved, through NCI, in the US prep process for the
WRC on 1.7.)

There were also two other private sector "experts" on the US Delegation
for Agenda Item 1.7 ... Paul Rinaldo and Jonathan Siverling of the ARRL.
(However, before anyone "flames" ARRL for not retaining the Morse
requirement in the ITU Radio Regs, I would remind them of two things:
1) the IARU postion was that that requirement should go
2) members of the US Delegation are *bound* to support the US position,
which was also that the Morse requirement should go.)

Interestingly, when the US presented its Proposal on 1.7 at the CITEL
meeting in Mexico City last year, the FCC International Bureau rep asked
me to present the document in Plenary (I was also attending that meeting
as a member of the US Delegation) ... I asked him "Why me, not you?"
His response was "You know more about the issue and the background."

What can I say? I participated in the process ... I don't recall you as
participated in any of the US WRC prep meetings, Brian ... nor did I see you
listed as a member of the US Delegation to the WRC.

Carl - wk3c