Thread: What of NCI?
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Old July 10th 03, 04:47 PM
Dick Carroll
Posts: n/a

Bert Craig wrote:

"Bill Sohl" wrote in message
Did you know that Carl was in Geneva as a member of the

Call it whatever you like. Fact is Carl was on the delegation
and involved both during and before the WRC.

Sounds like an awful lot of get something removed that required
a much smaller amount of effort.

Carl has obviously been on a Jihad against Morse code for most of his adult
Seems he must have flunked his 13wpm code test for the General in San Diego many
years ago and wound up getting enough of that 13wpm to qualify for an
old-category Tech. That daunting experience seems likewise to have left him with
a load of bile that has taken all these years to find a relief outlet for...NCI
and its
"mission" have been right up his alley.

And you're right, of course- it would have been much easier for him to have
tuned in W1AW code practice a few more sessions and retested, but what the hey!