Thread: What of NCI?
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Old July 11th 03, 04:59 AM
Arnie Macy
Posts: n/a

Brian wrote ...

Arnie, citation please. It is the disgruntled PCTA that have advocated a
"No Test International" concept.
__________________________________________________ __________________________

"review the privileges afforded to each license class and make certain that
all test
requirements for each license class RATIONALLY and DIRECTLY RELATE to the
privileges the
licensee receives by virtue of passing the test."

"In the interest of continuity with the present licensing structure, study
guides, and testing materials, NCI again recommends that the three license
classes be called "Technician," "General," and "Extra." This will permit a
practical combination of existing study guides and testing materials to be
used until such time as such materials are REVISED and will result in
REASONABLE tests for the three new classes of license contemplated in these

(my emphasis
added)____________________________________________ __________________________

First, I was never a PCTA ... and you know that. But that aside, above are
the quotes from the reply comments of NCI to the NPRM. Of course, they
don't come out and directly say it, but it is clear where they are going
with this. Now, add to that, the comment from an NCI Director -- "Just
having a test...any test, serves as a barrier to millions of people. That
an actual learning effort is required (even if it is straight memorization)
will continue to act as a barrier for 99% or more of the population." - Bill
Sohl, NCI Director, 02/01/97 on this NG.

Arnie -