Thread: What of NCI?
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Old July 12th 03, 03:58 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Carl R. Stevenson wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message

Carl R. Stevenson wrote:

I fail to find the humor ... it must be you. Having been licensed for
over 25 years, having learned Morse, passed a test (albeit 5 wpm,
but my skill increased as I *used* it in the early days), then losing
interest in using Morse, seeing Morse keep many of my engineering
colleagues from becoming hams over the years, and being involved
in this issue for a number of years, both before the FCC and in the
WRC prep process, I knew all the background, the issues, the US
position, etc. I also knew the postions of many/most other
administrations and regional groups. What's so funny about that?

I await the influx of all these engineers and the advances they will
bring Amateur Radio.

Did anyone seriously say they were really interested in Ham radio, but
the Morse Code test kept them out? just har dto imagine that someone
really interested would do that.

I have reported that, in my over 32 years in the RF communications
business, I have worked with MANY very competent engineers who
would be interested in ham radio, but can't/won't be bothered with
wasting their time jumping through a silly Morse code "hoop."

Some have become hams since they could get meaningful HF privs
for "only" 5 wpm ... I'm sure that more will once they can do the
same without having to waste their time on even 5 wpm ... these
are folks that could pass a technical test well beyond the Extra.
Do you doubt that, even without Morse proficiency, they could/would
make good hams and could contribute to the service?

I dunno. I doubt it though. I wonder if a person who doesn't want to
jump through hoops is going to do much of anything that he/she doesn't
want to do.

The Morse requirement is GONE from the ITU Radio Regs ...


are free to drop Morse testing (many are planning to do so with


rapidity ... we in the US are used to government moving slowly, so the


with which some administratons plan to allow access to HF by no-code


seems surprising to us ...)

These are facts that you can't change, so I suggest you simply learn to


with them.

Last time I checked, we were allowed to voice our opinions. No one
doubts it will be dropped, but we don't have to like it.

I'm not saying you have to *like* it ... just that your disapproval of
the facts won't change them and suggesting that you stop "crying over
spilled milk." :-)

Umm, Carl.... you are here! You have have achieved your goal, at least
will be very soon. I'm going to have to assume the reason is to engage
in a little gloating? So you're getting what you want on all counts. You
really wouldn't have to hear all us PCTA's crying if you didn't want to.

In other words, if you want to discuss it, we're here. Lessay we all do
what you want, and "just live with it". I guess that means we're
supposed to shut up. Then you wouldn't have the fun of discussing it
with us, or even telling us to "just live with it".

I don't think you would like that very much..

- Mike KB3EIA -