"Kim W5TIT" wrote in
"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote in message
I agree that Morse code proficiency has nothing to do with speaking or
typing -- but the ability to effectively employ the Morse/CW mode --
at speeds greater than 5 WPM -- will keep you communicating when
conditions prevent you from communicating by voice or digital modes.
You have done nothing but provide personal, anecdotal proof that
reducing code testing requirements down to a mere 5 WPM maximum was
NOT a good thing!
You know...the claim that CW "will keep you communicating when
conditions prevent you from communicating by voice or digital modes"
has been made time and time again. Time and time again there have been
requests for proof of this claim. None has been provided.
To state something does not make it so.
Posted via news://freenews.netfront.net
Complaints to
It isn't so, at least not for digital modes.