"Arnie Macy" wrote in message
"Carl R. Stevenson" wrote ...
Fred Maia, W5YI, was quoted as saying something along that line WRT the
Tech test ... but Fred is just *one* of the Directors of NCI, and I can
state that his view in that regard is NOT NCI policy and is not shared by
or the rest of the NCI board. (IIRC, Fred also said he'd like to make the
Extra test more rigorous ...)
[Of course, NCI was never in favor of removing the digital/CW sub bands
either, right?]
No, we were not ... and we never said we were. If you "google" or
you will, I am sure, find numerous instances of me saying that I would
favor an expansion of the phone bands at the expense of the digital/CW
sub-bands, because I wouldn't want to see the future development of
modes impeded. (the rest snipped)
__________________________________________________ _______________________
That could be what I was thinking of. Quoted by ya'll referring to Fred.
But I distinctly remember there being a discussion about lowering the
technical test requirements and that NCI was in favor of that.
NCI was NOT in favor of that ... Fred, and Fred alone, in his capacity
on the QPC, stated something to the effect that HE thought that since
most Techs use store-bought rigs, the Tech test could be simplified.
I (and as I recall, all of the other NCI directors who spoke on the subject)
disagreed with that view.
However, Fred ALSO indicated that he thought that the Extra written
test could/should be made more rigorous.
Now, as to Digital/CW sub-bands. Below is the official comment by NCI --
sure sounds like they would roll over and play dead if it should ever come
to supporting the keeping of sub-bands for Digital/CW. Do you read it
differently, Carl?
__________________________________________________ ________________________
"d. Third, Mr. Kane recommends that there be no regulatory distinction
between modes of transmission. This point would likely gain mixed, but
significant support amongst NCI's membership, and it should be pointed out
that this is the norm in the rest of the world and no real harm seems to
have come from the lack of restrictive sub-band-by-mode limitations such
those currently embodied in the Commission's Rules."
Simply stating the facts as perceived in terms of the membership's views.
is NOT NCI's issue though ... though, as I have said over and over, I
would hate to see the digital/CW sub-bands overrun by SSB.
Carl - wk3c