Aero Mobile .52 Simplex Request
In about two weeks (and for ten days thereafter) the largest collection of
aircraft in the world will be converging on Oshkosh WI from all corners of the
USA and several countries. The show actually starts on the 29th of July and
ends on the 5th of August, but the heaviest traffic is going to be the weekends
of 26 July and 2 August.
There is a large crossbreeding of pilots and hams. Our (admittedly
nonscientific) research shows that approximately 15% of all certificated pilots
are also certificated amateur radio operators. Given that there will be about
10,000 aircraft flying in at some point during the week, that means 1500
pilot-hams will be in the air somewhere over this country.
Most of us flying our own aircraft have installed ham rigs in the airplane,
predominantly 2-meters. Most of the rest will at least have an HT with them.
If you hear one of us on 52 simplex, please give us a shout. Flying between,
oh, say, Salt Lake to Minneapolis is hours and hours of nothing but hours and
hours. And, please excuse us if you turn it back to us and we don't immediately
respond. Every now and again the ground controllers want us to talk with them,
and with all due respects, they've got priority.
Jim & Gail
Cessna 182A N 73 CQ
Jim Weir, VP Eng. RST Eng. WX6RST
A&P, CFI, and other good alphabet soup