KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog
Does a resonant antenna work better than a non-resonant antenna?
Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:50 PM PDT
Every once in a while, I answer amateur radio questions on Quora, and
sometimes I get requests to answer them. Well, a request popped up in my
inbox this morning, and I just clicked on the link. I got a real chuckle
from the two replies (see below).Dan
Does a resonant antenna work better than a non-resonant antenna?
Reply #1Â*from Retired EE with aerospace and biomedical experience & 8
Yes a resonant antenna properly matched to the transmitter or reciever will
work better a non-resonant antenna. Any antenna discussion MUST include the
frequency or frequency band in order to be more detailed.
Reply #2 from Physicist, Electronic Engineer, Musician (1968-present)
No. It may be easier to match a feedline to it, but once a current
distribution is achieved in it, it radiates just as well as a non-resonant
So, antenna gurus, which one do you think is right?
The post Does a resonant antenna work better than a non-resonant antenna?
appeared first on KB6NUs Ham Radio Blog.