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Old January 19th 04, 02:12 AM
Henry Kolesnik
Posts: n/a

Well I learnt how to do Bessel functions 40 years ago!
But today, who knows, I think Lipitor took some brain cells.
Go ahead with the complex variables..
I could be the lost son of the square root of minus one!
hank wd5jfr

"John Smith" wrote in message

"Henry Kolesnik" wrote in message
In the Feb. 2004 QST there's an article by AD5X for a mobile antenna

Hamstick or Bugcatcher with shunt capacitor feed or an L match. Can

please explain, including the math, on how a ~500pf capacitor transforms

ohms to 50 ohms for 40 meters? I get no understand from reading either

ARRL Handbook or ARRL Antenna Handbook. There are no stupid questions,

stupid people asking!
hank wd5jfr

Hi, Hank -

If you have a low value resistor and you want to make it appear to your
source to be a higher value resistor, you can add a series resistor or
reactance. If you add a resistor, it will use up some of the available

which you intended for the original resistor. So, you use a series

instead. The only problem is that you now have some (usually) undesirable
reactance to contend with. But, you can get rid of the series reactance by
adding a shunt reactance of the opposite type. That is, if you added a
series capacitor, you can put in a shunt inductor to compensate. Note that
you could have added a series inductor and compensated with a shunt
capacitor. Which one you use is a matter of convenience sometimes.

Before I go into the math, I should ask if you are comfortable with

variables. You know, complex conjugate, R+jX and all that stuff? Besides,
the delay will give someone else an opportunity to put in something I've
missed or messed up. There are a lot of very knowledgeable guys on this
group, you know.
