Thread: What of NCI?
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Old July 14th 03, 06:26 AM
Dick Carroll
Posts: n/a

"Dee D. Flint" wrote:

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Dee D. Flint wrote:
If radio were invented today, no amateur radio service would even be

to exist. The governments would hog it all. They've already tried to

it away more than once.

Mostly at Radio's early beginning. 200 Meters and Down is a must read.

Yup, it's a great book. I'm just glad that the ARRL has seen fit to finally
reissue it. I borrowed a copy from the club library years ago and have been
looking to purchase one ever since.

However, while the government is no longer trying to banish us, they still
keep trying to get our frequencies. If carried to the ultimate end, this
would accomplish the same thing.

And the less the qualification required to become a ham, the closer they are to being
justified to just dumping us on whatever sliver of spectrum the commercials don'te
want at
the moment. Until the time comes that no one with any sense would be bothered with it

and at that point it's just another version of CB. From that point it becomes an
exercise to watch it completely fade away, replaced by the internet and a few FRS
HT's. Oh, ARRL will still be there waving the flag and yelling Gung Ho! over the few