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Old January 19th 04, 04:55 AM
Craig Buck
Posts: n/a

I am baffled too., If the antenna is too short and therefore exhibits
capacitive reactance, why isn't the adding a coil (inductive reactance)
enough to balance it out? I guess I don't understand matching networks at
all. If the antenna is too capacitive or to inductive add the opposite to
get to zero. Seems like you add one or the other but not both to get a

Just another dummy trying to figure it out.
Radio K4ia
Craig "Buck"
Fredericksburg, VA USA
FISTS 6702 cc 788 Diamond 64
"Henry Kolesnik" wrote in message
In the Feb. 2004 QST there's an article by AD5X for a mobile antenna using

Hamstick or Bugcatcher with shunt capacitor feed or an L match. Can

please explain, including the math, on how a ~500pf capacitor transforms

ohms to 50 ohms for 40 meters? I get no understand from reading either my
ARRL Handbook or ARRL Antenna Handbook. There are no stupid questions,

stupid people asking!
hank wd5jfr