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Old January 19th 04, 06:03 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

VE3PMK wrote:
Anyone know where to buy or how to make resistors suitable for a T2FD or
other folded HF dipole designs?

I'm currently using a 330 ohm, 2 watt carbon one, but as such it only usable
for receiving. I'd like to find an assortment of values, 100W min,
preferably 150 to 200 watts, non-inductive.

Who sells such items, or is there a way to make them?

I would send you an email but I don't hold out any hope for
Send me an email. I have a bunch of 600 ohm, 50 watt, non-inductive resistors.
Two in parallel gives 300 ohms at 100 watts. Four in series-parallel gives
600 ohms at 200 watts, etc.
73, Cecil

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