"Steve Robeson, K4CAP" wrote in message
"LA Davies" wrote in message
You quit making fun of me, for my anti-code. I will have my code-free
extra. Then you will be sorry.......
Wrong, Your Scumminess...you already make us sorry...
Steve, K4YZ
You will exalt me as a savior of Ham Radio. Be thankful that soon, I will
be on the air, and thousands of my no-code brothers! We will command the
ham bands forever! We will show what a QSO is! Death to the Code! We have
agents in the ARRL, and soon will pettion the have the removed as a eye sore
to the hobby! You will pay 10 fold for the mental agony of making us have
to a side seat to being on HF.
I'm watching you........
Lloyd Davies, N0VFP
Surpreme No-coder