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Old January 19th 04, 06:13 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Craig Buck wrote:

I am baffled too., If the antenna is too short and therefore exhibits
capacitive reactance, why isn't the adding a coil (inductive reactance)
enough to balance it out? I guess I don't understand matching networks at
all. If the antenna is too capacitive or to inductive add the opposite to
get to zero. Seems like you add one or the other but not both to get a

Just another dummy trying to figure it out.

Do you understand the conversion from a series circuit impedance to a
parallel circuit impedance? There exists a value of XL and XC in the
following that will convert the entire impedance to 50 + j0 ohms.

antenna too long antenna too short
-----------+----10 + jXL-----+ -----------+----10 - jXC-----+
| | | |
50 | | 50 | |
ohms +-------XC--------+ ohms +-------XL--------+
| |
-----------------------------+ -----------------------------+
73, Cecil

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