In article , "Kim W5TIT"
It's a very fair & appropriate question as a rhetorical response to
the NCTAs who have been claiming forever that eliminating the code
tests for HF access will result in a new influx of technically astute
engineers. Bilge. Who will put their expertise to work and come up
with "advances in the state of the art" now that they won't have to
jump thru the "code test hoops". More bilge and you know that as well
as I do.
Well, if you're going to use what appears to be an honest question to lash
out at whomever it is you are targeting, please forgive the confusion on my
part. I didn't realize you were being rhetorical to the NCTAs.
You were confused because, as usual, you were reading for the purpose
of finding something negative to react to, as opposed to objectively
evaluating what was said.
By the way, isn't stating that NCTAs "have been claiming forever that
eliminating the code tests for HF access. . ." rolling us all into one
"neat" little package?
No -- Brian (that's MISTER Kelly to you, little girl!) was merely stating the
facts about what the NCTA have promised what would happen when code
testing was taken "out of the way" of all the eager young geniuses who
are going to save ham radio from our present state of technical insolvency.
I don't think people who'd like to see an end to CW
testing all think alike at all.
Neither do I. I only go after the ones who whine about it.
Have you ever seen me accuse you of being
like Larry or Dick? They are two PCTAs and you are a PCTA also.
You just don't like Dick and myself because we won't pander to your
inane, childish, and illogical parroting of what other people say, or to
your callsign which Mr. Hollingsworth himself said has the potential to
take the ARS " step closer to extinction." IOW, you're just fine
with anyone who strokes your horrendous ego.
We all have our own opinions about why we think something is a good idea.
And unlike yours, most of those opinions are being made by people with
genuine operating experience. Sorry about the truth, Kim -- I know it
hurts you, but I'm not going to look at a pile of crap on the floor and call
it a bowl of cherries.
73 de Larry, K3LT