How Ugly Can One Creep Be?
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July 15th 03, 10:49 PM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Extra class Paratransit Operator Sir Larry Roll)
scribbled in a vain attempt at syncophancy:
In article ,
(Steamy Garbageman) writes:
Get real. Any astronaut is required to perform many, many tasks as
part of their job...and that job is to be space crewfolk first, not
Getting a no-code tech ham license is an easy task for it
once and a federal merit badge callsign is theirs to keep for a decade
plus two or a shuttle burns up on reentry...whichever comes first.
Leonard H Anderson, you are truly one of the most callous,
cowardly and unrepetantly ugly people to ever enter USENET or any
other public forum.
That WAS totally uncalled for. Your present and future credibility: ZERO.
Poor baby. You don't understand that ALL astronauts have faced that
possibility since manned spaceflight began. That is the unfortunate
REALITY of present-day manned spaceflight.
Well, we know that you can't stand reality.
HOW DISGUSTING can one human being be...?!?!
Unfortunately, I think our Lennie has just set a new threshold on
Yes, failure to love, cherish, honor and obey morse code is terms
for contempt by you, Roll. No problem.
If you see a chance to slam a no-coder by standing on the garbage-
man's shoulders, go for it! [and you did!]
What a piece of work. Truly deserving of every ugly epithet I
can think to "laud" you with and more. There hasn't been a prfanity
created to adequately "describe" just how cold and disgusting that
comment was.
None that can be posted here, anyway.
Why not? Is the mighty morseman offended by those who do not
love, cherish, honor and obey morse code?
If thine eye offend thee, cast it out.
We don't know that the deaths of the Columbia (or Challenge) crews wasn't
long, lingering, and painful. They may have been well conscious long
enough to know they were doomed, and had nothing to do to prevent it.
Unfortunately, wishing the same on Lennie won't do, either. Lennie has
proven himself to be beyond contempt. Don't fall into the same pit he did.
Roll, you large bag of fat wind, you've never worked on ANY space
project, NEVER shook hands with any astronaut and look them in the
eye (I did...John Young is a nice, quiet sort, not very tall...Bob Crippen
is taller, more outgoing...both rode the air-drop Enterprize as well as
the first STS manned spaceflight). They understood the risks they
were taking. By STS 51J the press and public had colored your
thinking such that spaceflight was all just a safe, jolly jaunt in space.
You've never known anything about manned spaceflight so you project
your fantasies as if they were final judgement. You know NOTHING
about any high-tech human endeavor.
You want very much to "identify" with things you've never participated
in, talk about it like you were really "there" but you never were. You've
never done any military 24/7 radio communications nor any civilian
professional radio communications and you feel "superior" in both
morals and ethics over all "no-coders."
If you want to be a syncophant to the Garbageman, go right ahead.
When anyone wants an ideal role-model for the US Amateur Extra
radio amateur, they can always go to you or the Garbageman. :-)
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