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Old July 16th 03, 03:30 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

ospam (Larry Roll K3LT) wrote in message ...


Unfortunately, I think our Lennie has just set a new threshold on "disgusting."

To say the least. This creep makes me nauseous.

What a piece of work. Truly deserving of every ugly epithet I
can think to "laud" you with and more. There hasn't been a prfanity
created to adequately "describe" just how cold and disgusting that
comment was.

None that can be posted here, anyway.

I could, but I won't. Scumbag and putz will have to do.

"Scumbag" is an understatment. "Putz" only scratches the top.

You try to embellish your own "reputation" on the graves of
American KIA's, then you completely disgrace and humilate the graves
of seven men and women who, regardless of nationality, died what can
only be assumed to have been a horrific death in the pursuit of

What an utterly foul, irrelevent and truly puny shadow of a human
being you are. When YOUR death comes, I can only hope that, unlike
those seven brave souls, that it is long, lingering and painful, and
that you remain sufficiently aware of your circumstances to appreciate
it all.

We don't know that the deaths of the Columbia (or Challenge) crews wasn't
long, lingering, and painful. They may have been well conscious long
enough to know they were doomed, and had nothing to do to prevent it.
Unfortunately, wishing the same on Lennie won't do, either. Lennie has
proven himself to be beyond contempt. Don't fall into the same pit he did.

I imagine that except for the sudden bullet to the brain we all
have some brief moment when we realize that "this is it".

I can't even begin to imagine what it must have been
like...strapped in, fire all around and knowing it was all ovr but the

How ANY human being with a shred of decency could have made the
disgusting, callous and thoughtless comment Lennie did is beyond me.

What a creep.


Steve, K4YZ