ringo antenna in QST
The latest issue of QST came out and in it was a big artical of the
Ringo antenna.
I have been a ham for over 45 years. Got into it about the time FM on 2
meters was starting up. At that time the Ringo antenna came out. Many
thousand were sold. Then it was discovered how bad they really were.
Most of the signal went up instead of out. Maybe good for the
Then they were modified and did somewhat better as the Ranger and one
with some extra radials mounted below the antenna by a foot or two that
really took away the advantage of the no radial concept.
I Thought the Ringo had been laid to rest over 30 years ago, but now
that artical makes it look like a good antenna. Around here we referred
to them as a radiating dummy load many years ago. Makes me wonder if
QST has anyone with any technical knowlege working for them any more.