ARS License Numbers
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July 17th 03, 03:14 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Vshah101) wrote in message ...
From: "Carl R. Stevenson"
Still slower growth than desirable by a long shot ...
I'd like to get some of my friends licensed and use it for utility purposes.
Other than that, what does it matter about ARS license numbers?
eliminating Morse testing will help
No, it won't. The entry-level license is already code free. Eliminating Morse
testing will not cause more people to want to join.
Another back-peddling "engineer".
Just a month ago he was adamandt that the code had to go to get
people in...
I hate to say this, but vanity helps. Better to appeal to selfish motives than
selfless motives. The emergency communicator, the public service aspect - What
young person wants that?
Then get your $14.50 out...KV1PPY and KV1PUL are still available.
When they call contesting competition, it offends the normal sensibilities.
! ! ! !
Calling "contesting" competition is offensive..?!?!
You have teams of Amateurs trying to beat other teams scores...
What's different about that than say...a chessmaster trying to
outscore HIS opponent? Or watching the Cowboys run over the Rams? Or
a poker player hoping his two of a kind beats what the other guy is
Making short QSOs (oops, I used a codeword) and counting contacts. Contesting
is competitive in a way, but its just one way. To exclude several kinds of
competition for contesting just isn't right. It means that competition isn't
the real motive. That's just a rationalization.
What an idiot.
Real competition is expanding one's limitations. It includes radio direction
finding, APRS, mobile operation, tuning, troubleshooting, real emergency
You don't "expand" limitations, exceed them, you
overcome them, you....
Oh wait...this is YOU we are talking about...Yes, I guess YOU do
"expand" your limitations...
And don't forget the social aspect.
Contesting is really boring too. It's human nature not to like boring
Yeah...that's why there are more and more "bored" people every
year on the air...Sure is depressing to hear all those "bored" people
on those weekends, isn't it? Especially when YOU can't get in there
and be bored right along with them...
Somewhere in all of that was a point to be made, but I'll be
danged if I know what he was trying to get at...
Steve, K4YZ
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