For more information, see the "Articles" link at:
There are links to copies of the authorization letter to Swiss Class 2 hams
from OFCOM/BAYCOM in German, French, and Italian (official versions),
and an (unofficial, but believed accurate) English translation.
And the UK is VERY close behind ... (article on that at the same location)
Carl R. Stevenson - wk3c
Grid Square FN20fm
Executive Director, No Code International
Fellow, The Radio Club of America
Senior Member, IEEE
Member, IEEE Standards Association
Chair, IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group
Member, Wi-Fi Alliance Spectrum Committee
Co-Chair, Wi-Fi Alliance Legislative Committee
Member, QCWA (31424)
Member, ARRL
Member, TAPR
Member, The SETI League
Join No Code International! Hams for the 21st Century.
Help assure the survival and prosperity of ham radio.
"Markus Baertschi" wrote in message
I just received a letter from OFCOM (Swiss FCC) informing me about the
following news concerning Swiss HAM's after the WRC03 conference:
- Switzerland will no longer conduct nor require morse code in HAM exams
- All Swiss HAM's with a no-code license are allowed to use all HAM
frequencies with immediate effect.
(This does not concern the 'light' license limited to 2m and 70cm)
- They expect the CEPT conference in autumn to decide for a similar
scheme for all of Europe.
73 Markus / HB9VCD
Markus Baertschi Phone: ++41 (21) 807 1677
Bas du Rossé 14b Fax : ++41 (21) 807 1678
CH-1163, Etoy Email:
Switzerland Homepage: