Thread: Two years?
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Old July 20th 03, 02:26 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a
Default Two years?

If you read Scott's answer, you'll have something to consider. A couple of
folks tested out through extra but missed the Morse. They have 365 days to
pass the 5 word per minute code with no other testing, or they can wait. It
would appear, since they took and passed (except for code) the extra, that
they are going to get that extra regardless of whether the code is retained
or dropped. My suggestion is take the theory tests; when you've got that,
there is a *ton* of incentive to do whatever it takes. I've heard that some
countries are already going to drop the requirements; I don't know if that
is true or not. Certainly the requirement will go away; when, I'm not sure.
Pass the theory exams and I'll bet anyone will then study and be ready to
pass the CW from zero inside of 3 weeks or less

73 from Rochester, NY

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Reading a report on how long it will likely take for the U.S. to ratify
and drop Morse requirements, we are given an estimate of two years.

This leads me to wonder, is it better to wait for those two years to go
by before getting ones HF ticket, or is it better to just learn Morse
and get the ticket much sooner?

Is a person willing to wait those two years more imterested in the ARS,
or is the person who, even if they are not personally interested in
Morse Code, yet studies for and passes the test and gets on the air now
more interested?

I personally think this is no contest. The person who is willing to get
their license sooner shows a greater interest than a person who says "As
long as there is requirement X, I am more interested in NOT being in the
ARS than I am in being IN the ARS."

- Mike KB3EIA -

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