Thread: Two years?
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Old July 20th 03, 04:04 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

D. Stussy wrote:
On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Mike Coslo wrote:

Reading a report on how long it will likely take for the U.S. to ratify
and drop Morse requirements, we are given an estimate of two years.

This leads me to wonder, is it better to wait for those two years to go
by before getting ones HF ticket, or is it better to just learn Morse
and get the ticket much sooner?

If you pass the code test and get it now, then you won't have to face the wrath
of the idiots on this group complaining about your "inferior" license giving
you equal authority to operate as theirs. :-)

Do you think *that* would be a good reason? I want to do something I'm
interested in as long as I can. I mean really, do you care what say
Larry, Dick, or Jim or even my self think? Two years is just too long to
wait. That's the reason why I think a preson would get the ticket sooner.

- Mike KB3EIA