In article , "Dan/W4NTI"
"Len Over 21" wrote in message
In article , "Dan/W4NTI"
Gosh, "no" schooling at all?!? Sounds like the USAF was really
desperate! :-)
Probably were Len. The faked Gulf of Tonkin incident happend while I was at
A "coincidence?"
Care to go face-to-face at my 1965 electronics level? Of ELECTRONICS,
SERVICEman. It won't be an open-book exam and you can't crib from
any ARRL Handbook.
Why do you assume everyone gives a damn about your credentials? Im not in a
contest with you. I was just responding to a question or comment, directed
to me.
And NO. I don't think Im better than you in Electronics at that point.
Because I was not into electronics at that point. I was a GROUND RADIO
OPERATOR in 1965.
"Radio" is a subset of all electronics. It's all together in physics.
Nope, I was a GROUND RADIO OPERATOR at that time and didn't need
electronics courses to advance in that area. As far as patriotism and love
of country....I think 2 years plus in Nam and 12 years in uniform is enough
Tsk, tsk. Another has "challenged" my service experience, saying I was
a mere "radio clerk" well away from the "fighting." :-)
You could also be "challenged" by the same comment. :-)
Not to mention the fact that in order to stay on the air I had to learn how
to fix that dang equipment.
Did you learn all the "mods" and "diode snippings" in there?
There were no 'mods' and 'diode snippings' involved. My ham station of the
1960s consisted of homebrew tx and later a Knight T50, then several other
junkers. I had to keep fixin them to keep em on the air. I got smart
quick. Or was not on the air. Original 'Incentive Licensing' for me.
Sorry, I thought you were still descibing your GROUND RADIO
OPERATOR activities while in the military service, not the amateur radio
service. :-)
Very good indeed. The Commercial First Phone. Which had absolutly nothing
to do with ham radio. Some said it was equivilant to the Amateur Extra
ticket. I wouldnt know. I only had the Ham stuff. No need for a
commercial. I was never into being a 'broadcast engeeennnare'. You know
the switch thrower. And the solder jockey at the KW AM street corner
broadcast station. Didnt need one in the military, and didn't need on when
I worked for Bendix in the Avionics department. Nor at the Anniston Army
Depot where I was a electronics technician.
Strange, most personnel departments give more credence to a
commercial radio license versus an amateur radio license. The former
is for professional work while the latter is, well, amateur stuff.
The US military does not require any civilian radio operator licenses of
its service people. The FCC does not rule over any military radio use.
Your amateur radio license does NOT authorize you to transmit on civil
airways frequencies nor conduct maintenance on civil avionics. It was
that way in 1956 and still is in 2003.
I guess if I really needed one I would have gotten it. But why bother? I
don't get licensees and degrees to impress some some folks
do...... I get em if/when I need them.
No? No impress-the-friends wallpaper?
Some in here are so adamant about Passing Ham TESTS that they insist
that all in a newsgroup MUST have passed a Ham TEST.
The TEST passing is all important. But, it can only be an AMATEUR
test. Harder commercial tests are considered "inferior." Illogical.
You must be mentally challanged or something Len. I never said I did a damn
thing doing Morse in the military. You have some sort of a problem. What
it is I dont know, nor do I care. But you need to seek help.
I sought help from the FCC in the form of Comments on FCC 98-143.
So, you did NOT use morse code in the military? Which is it? First you
brag about the ham license (which required morse code demonstration)
as "helping you advance" in the military yet now you say you never used it?
I think what must have happened was that guy that knew CW must have stolen
yourcup cake and you can't get over it.
No "guy that knew CW" ever stole any "cup cake" from me, neither the
confection nor the "cupcake" type of girlfriend. :-)
Your pathetic Len. You really are.
Nope. I'm an American of Scandinavian ancestry who has never seen any
need or necessity in having a morse code test for an amateur radio test
in the last 30 years or so.
I was DOING 24/7 radio communications on HF 50 years ago and never
once had to use any morse codings...not then, not afterwards...and don't
consider such as license-test-worthy for licensing in a hobby-recreation
activity involving radio.
You are under the presumption that your vaunted amateur radio license
gives you some special permission to denigrate and demean others. It
doesn't do that. Your "pathetic" comment only serves to prove that you
won't accept any opinion that is not in line with your personal opinion.
You need another venue for venting your aggressive frustrations. :-)