Two years?
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July 22nd 03, 06:25 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Vshah101) writes:
I was a no-coder for 14 years, and I didn't like it!
With the whole spectrum of activities, and you still didn't like amateur
Not enough technical areas in amateur radio to interest you? You're not a
amateur, youre an only-coder - someone that only likes code.
A no-coder stirred me up about 13 years ago, and I've been
stirred up about trying to make people see the stupidity of whining about
code testing ever since.
You only see the world as no-coders or coders. There's more to amateur radio
than that.
People are not missing anything by not upgrading, if the upgraded
don't provide anything more they wish.
Well, that's *your* excuse. It seems to be working for you. Hold on
to it, it's all you've got.
Like I said, there are many possible activites to participate in. If all you
see is CW HF, then thats all you've got.
I suggest you go to and read at least a couple of year's worth
of my posts before you make any further comments. It will get the taste of
dirty Nikes out of your mouth.
73 de Larry, K3LT
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