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Old July 24th 03, 04:14 PM
Scott Unit 69
Posts: n/a

Get on the air at 6pm local time on August 1st or if the band is open any
to make contacts in the 28.300-28.500 MHz that is allocated to technicians

for voice.

Yes, I have that equipment. No, I won't be dumb enough to do it.

The FCC needs additional funds for enforcement and all those with
a few extra thousand dollars that would like to contribute in the form of a
NAL, please go right ahead.

This is the same troll who has had no luck trolling the amateur newsgroup,
so now he's crossposting to the CB newsgroup. Ignore him and he'll go away
faster then the CW requirement in Sweden or the UK. Speaking of the UK, listen
for them after 8PM EDT, that's the start of Friday over there.