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Old July 26th 03, 01:26 AM
Radio Amateur KC2HMZ
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 02:51:50 -0700, Keith

Join up and let your voice be heard. There are 200,000+ amateur radio
technicians that deserve the right to use the HF bands.

As of July 15, 2003, there were 257,319 Technician class licensees,
some of whom already do have the right to use parts of the HF bands.
No way of telling how many, unfortunately...basically anyone who was a
Tech+ and has renewed now has a license that says Technician on it,
but they retain their HF privileges, and anyone who upgraded from
Novice to Technician also retains their HF privileges.

Hams in Europe have
already been allowed access to the HF bands and America should take the lead
and let it's citizens enjoy HF amateur radio as soon as possible.

America already lets it citizens enjoy HF amateur radio. In addition
to the Techs with HF privileges, there are also (as of July 15, 2003)
33,662 Novices, 67,055 Tech Plus licensees who haven't had to renew
yet (not that it matters since they keep their HF privileges anyway),
141,180 other Generals besides me, 83,239 holders of an Advanced
license, and 104,301 Extras.

Hmmm...join a group of yahoos? No thanks. :-)