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Old July 27th 03, 04:56 PM
Posts: n/a

On 27 Jul 2003 14:22:09 GMT, (N2EY) wrote:

If you're going to go that route, then all of the questions in the written
tests about voice modes have to go as well, because there's no way deaf people
are going to use SSB, either.

I'd love to see someone with a hearing disability receive weak signal CW on 80
meters in the middle of July. Requiring a deaf person to pass a code test to
get a ham license is like making a blind person pass a drivers test before
riding the bus, you never know when driver will pass out and the blind will
have to take the wheel of the bus.
You are really crazy along with your pals at the ARRRRRRLLLL. This hang on to
morse code forever crap is the reason that ham radio is going to die. You know
the BPL increase is going to pass and you can kiss HF goodbye. Instead of
having several million hams there are a paltry 700,000 in the US and less then
half of them are active.
Ham radio operators have created and signed their own death warrant. I'm sure
corporate America is drawing up plans on what to do with the 6 meter, 2 meter
and 220 bands as we debate the demise of morse code.

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