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Old July 27th 03, 06:16 PM
Carl R. Stevenson
Posts: n/a
Default FUD ALERT !!!!! (was With CW gone, can the CW allocations be far behind?)

"Joe Collins" wrote in message
Now that Bruce Parens and NCI have won the CW wars, what will happen
to the exclusive CW allocations if a CW requirement is dropped?

WHAT "exclusive CW allocations" ??? Are you talking about
50.0-50.1 MHz and 144.0-144.1 MHz??? If not, you're operating
under a serious misunderstanding of the FCC rules and should
consider some remedial study ... you are a licensed ham, right?
(You should, therefore, know these things ...)

Certainly there can be no argument for keeping the current band
structure in place, and phone operations probably ought to be spread
out into what was once exclusively reserved for CW operators. Not
only would this alleviate the congestion in the phone bands, but it
would finally and officially place CW into perspective: Just another
optional mode of operation without any exclusive rights to any

Certainly there should NOT be an expansion of the phone bands
(this is my *personal* opinion), as that would constrain the development
of modern digital modes in (what you think is "exclusive CW allocations."

Carl R. Stevenson - wk3c
Grid Square FN20fm
Executive Director, No Code International
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Chair, IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group
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