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Old July 28th 03, 04:08 AM
Carl R. Stevenson
Posts: n/a

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message
Carl R. Stevenson wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message

Stu Parker wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 16:16:40 GMT, Carl R. Stevenson



Go ahead. Pick at nits. We all know what he meant.

But the point is well-taken. If CW is to be removed as a
*requirement* for a ham license, then its special status has
evaporated. Why give it any band-plan perks at all? CW operators can
already operate in the phone bands (most of them don't, but that's a
free choice), so why not accord the phone users the same freedom of

I'd be in favor of reserving a very small portion of each HF band for
rtty, psk31, etc., but I'd let all modes permitted by an operator's
license be used everywhere else.

In other words, it is legitimate and useful to reevaluate the entire
band-plan structure of the Amateur Radio Service, and it is even
thinkable that what is commonly called the "cw portion" of the bands
should be reallocated.

Well, Carl, here is a well thought out and well presented argument.
Your answer?

- Mike KB3EIA -

I have previously voiced my view that I do NOT favor phone band
expansion, as the CW/data portions would be over-run with SSB.

That would thwart the development of new digital modes and IMHO,
be a bad thing.

Okay, I was hoping for a little more than just that though. Because if
someone comes up with that argument, and your answer is simply that it
would thwart development, well then guess who is going to win?

I'd bet on development ... because that's one of the fundamental
purposes amateur radio exists ... read the R&O in WT Docket
No. 98-143 (it's on the NCI website "Articles" page ... you'll
have to scroll down a ways ...)

Carl - wk3c