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July 29th 03, 04:08 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
I think he needed the military handset he wanted for "high noise level
environments" because of all his own shouting and hollering in front of
a computer.
Ummmm...close...Laughing at you, Lennie. I often have to check it
to keep from waking the rest of the household.
Nobody has to know the exact nature of the "high noise enivornment"
to understand that the "noise" is gunfire and ordinance going off.
The reference to the Paramilitary page of the SGC website was quite
enough to show that. The word PARAMILITARY is self-explanatory.
You want to put on a military uniform again and be a "Sojer in da
woods" to achieve some apparent loss of self prestige. Many do
that around the country as a way of working out their frustration at
not being able to cope with civilized society.
The search for an H-33 handset took all of about 3 minutes, mostly
to navigate the Fair Radio Sales website (large, not optimally
arranged). You could have done exactly the same thing, but didn't
and asked for help.
You couldn't be expected to understand the reference to an "H-33"
because of your age. By the time you were in the military, it had
been replaced with the newer H-250...which is now an obsolete
model. Obsolete or not, they all work the same and can handle
300 to 500 mW audio into the earpiece. The start of all military
handsets that could slip under a helmet edge began in the Korean
War and the PRC-9 series had provisions to clip the H-33 to the
backpack straps as a sort of speaker (enough to alert the carrier,
if not for intelligibility). That clip-on feature is retained today in
almost all police officer portable radios, the microphone being used
as a speaker when not transmitting.
Well, when you know so little of what once had been your military
career, you have to keep putting down others to raise your self-
esteem. We all know that too and can see it whenever you get on-
line to throw garbage at others.
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