Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
IARU asks what do YOU think is the future of Amateur Radio?
Radio amateurs everywhere are encouraged to engage with IARU Region 1
national Member Societies on the early stages of the Region 1 Workshop
program about the future of Amateur Radio
More ham radio spectrum in 3-12 MHz needed
The WIA Spectrum Strategy Committee has released their response to the ACMA
Five Year Spectrum Outlook 2021, they highlight the need for more amateur
radio spectrum in 3-12 MHz
Online Talk: Setting up the Zumspot digital hotspot
On Wednesday, May 5 at 7:30 pm the Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society will be
hosting an online talk on Zoom by Mike Richards G4WNC about the ZumSpot and
how to use your VHF/UHF radio to connect to the digital networks
HF radios make a comeback and enable global command and control
New advancements in HF radio and digital signal processing technology for
terrestrial-based, long-range communications offers a cost-effective
alternative to SATCOM
Recognition for Young Operators in ham radio contests
Posted: l
IARU Region 2 reports on a welcome move in North America to encourage young
radio amateurs to participate in contests
Bouvet Island Dxpedition
Posted: ail
Bouvet is like the Mount Everest of DXCC entities. It is among the most
challenging entities to activate due to significant transportation costs
and personal sacrifices required by the team to make the 42 day round trip
Russian Special Event
To commemorate 76th anniversary of the Victory in WW II, the Union of
Russian Radio Amateurs (SRR), is conducting 'Victory-76' special on-the-air
event between May 2nd (starts at 0000 UTC) and May 9th (ends at 1159 UTC)
IOTA News from OPDX
Weekly IOTA News - compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
DXCC Country/Entity Report
According to the Amateur Radio Cluster Network for the week of Sunday, 25th
April, through Sunday, 2nd May there were 211 countries active