Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
ANATEL discusses online exams with Brazil's radio hams
Brazil's communications regulator ANATEL requested a meeting with the
national amateur radio society LABRE to discuss the conduct of the
country's online exams
IARU continues World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 preparations
Posted: email
IARU Region 1 Spectrum Affairs Chair Barry Lewis, G4SJH, reports that
efforts continue in defending the interests of amateur radio during
preparations by CEPT — the European Conference of Postal and
Telecommunications Administrations — for World Radiocommunication
Conference 2023 (WRC-23).
CW Field Day
IRTS CW Field Day takes place this weekend the 5th and 6th of June. This
contest is for portable stations and is on the CW contest preferred
segments of the contest bands from Top Band to 10 metres. It runs for 24
hours from 1500 UTC on Saturday 5th June and there is a 24 hour section and
a restricted 6 hour section
Tony's 10m Band Report
Posted: l
The sought after stations were YL21ICE (Latvian ice hockey special),
3Z1921PS (Poland special), IU5GBQ (Italy), D4Z (Cape Verde contest), E77A
(Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contest University and Hamvention Forums 2021 now on YouTube
If you missed the Contest University 2021 on May 20th and the Hamvention
Forums on May 21st, they are now available online. The complete program is
about 8 hours and 15 minutes long
Online Amateur Radio Community event
Members of the 'Online Amateur Radio Community' (OARC, callsign M0OUK) are
now active as GB1ORC (until June 20th) and GB0ARC (until June 24th) to
celebrate the one year anniversary of their organization
Covid-19 special event
To pay tribute to the individuals (YL and OM) who have suffered, those who
are currently suffering or have passed (SK) as a result of the Covid-19
pandemic, look for the special event callsign TM57COV to be used between
June 15-29th