Southgate Amateur Radio News RSS Feed
Mid Ulster ARC Tuesday Night Lecture Series
This Tuesday evening, the Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club are back for
another Tuesday night lecture.
We have Don Fields G3XTT on the topic of CDXC and your most memorable DX
ARISS SSTV transmissions
Posted: =email
MAI-75 will be conducting their experiment of transmitting SSTV images from
the International Space Station over specific orbits that overfly Moscow on
June 9 and 10
New IARU-R1 HF band plan released
Posted: l
IARU Region 1 have released an HF band plan and annex incorporation changes
agreed at the General Conference in October
Mike - V51MA, is asking for your help / advice
As you probably know, I am a malignant melanoma cancer survivor since 2013
and found that my ham radio to be the best remedy for overcomming
challenges in life and now with the Covid Pandemic world wide, I have to be
extremely extra carefull to not gettng ill due to any immune system disease
and making me vurlnebale to the cancer again
YASME Foundation donates equipment to Radio Club Peruano
IARU Region 2 reports the YASME Foundation has donated twelve 462 MHz
Family Radio Service (FRS) handhelds to help train new radio amateurs in
Setting up the IC-7300 for FT8
In this video Hayden VK7HH shows how to setup the IC-7300 for the WSJT
digital modes FT8 and FT4
ICQPodcast - Hubs, Clubs and Virtual Meetings USA Style and Gateways On The
Air Event
In this episode, Martin (M1MRB) is joined by Chris Howard (M0TCH), Martin
Rothwell (M0SGL), Ed Durrant (DD5LP) and Bill Barnes (WC3B) to discuss the
latest Amateur / Ham Radio news. Colin (M6BOY) rounds up the news in brief
and in the episode we feature have a double feature Hubs, Clubs and Virtual
Meetings USA Style and Gateways On The Air Event
New Contest Hotel location for 2022
Posted: l
Attention Contesters and DXers! Contest-related activities that have
previously taken place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel during the Dayton
Hamvention(R) are moving to the Hope Hotel beginning in 2022
VP8CR QSL collection
Posted: ail
A reminder that you can view all the QSL cards to VP8CR Halley Bay
Antarctica from the Les Barclay G3HTF collection
COVID-19 turnabout - pandemic in Japan unexpectedly revives, instead of
exterminates, a dying art
Posted: il
Japan's Sora News reports that amidst the number of closed businesses and
beleaguered industries, one has made a surprise comeback