On Wed, 30 Jul 2003, Alun Palmer wrote:
2. The reworded Article 25.5 now says, "Administrations shall determine
whether or not a person seeking a license to operate an amateur station
shall demonstrate the ability to send and receive texts in Morse code
I concur. However, this section identifies an OPTION, not a requirement.
The administration has determined that the persons seeking a
must pass a 5 wpm Morse code test.
Not so fast. Where does it say that in respect of the Novice frequencies?
For novices, element 1 credit is a prerequisite per section 97.501. However,
for technicians, I agree that it is not.
3. There is nothing in the rules that we are out of compliance with.
Who said there was? Maybe D Stussy, but his line of argument is truly
Maybe you don't understand it, but that doesn't mean that my position is
47 CFR 97.301(e) indicates that the LICENSEE is to establish compliance with an
international requirement that has been revoked (and replaced with an option).
One cannot comply with a requirement that does not exist. Such is impossible.
This means that one of the requisite conditions is FAILED, and NO PRIVILEGE is
Using the argument that Morse code testing has been abolished is quite
simply *wrong*.
No-one is saying it has been abolished for the General or the Extra
It certainly has NOT. It's a requirement per 47 CFR 97.501 for those license