Question for the No coders
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July 31st 03, 04:01 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article , "Dick Carroll;"
(Len Over 21) wrote
I for one
was on the HF ham bands in 1951 *with CW* from W3CGS before I got my
Novice ticket.
Then you were BOOTLEGGING, old man. ILLEGAL. Tsk, tsk.
So how was it you're still so uninformed that you never heard of an
(or underlicensed) operator working a ham radio station under the supervision
of a control operator who has the appropriate license? Hmmmm?
So your reading didn't really teach you all that much about ham radio?
Whatta surprise!
Kellie was describing what he did 52 years ago at age 14,
Ayup, and it was 100% legal. As you've belatedly become well aware ya
PUTZ. But ya stuck yer hoof in yer mouth once again thru gross
ignorance and boxed yerself in with no way out so the rants go on.
Now YOU PROVE - beyond a shadow of a doubt - that Kellie was
telling the ABSOLUTE TRUTH back then.
As soon as YOU PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that you ever set foot
in Japan. I've had my doubts all along . . .
43 transmitters with RF output ranging from 1 to 40 KW takes up
about 200 feet of interior space if arranged in two lines. The antenna
field required a 1 x 2 mile former airfield to hold them all.
I saw the list of "countries" you *allegedly* "worked" with all those
kilowatts and rhombics. Not exactly a sterling performance. I mean
holy cow in that same timeframe I worked every continent on the globe
several times over with my 0.05 Kw ARC-5 TX into a wire strung from my
bedroom window to a tree down the yard. I dunno what yer problem
was/is but if I were you I wouldn't spend much time bragging about my
HF operating exploits, they're notably lame.
And OhYez, I have written proof that I did what I claim I did with
that ARC-5 and the wire.
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