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Old July 31st 03, 05:12 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a

(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...

I've never claimed to be an "expert" on amateur radio or any part
of radio.

Holy-freakin'smokes. Hope Mrs. Lennie wasn't anywhere near THAT
nose, Putznocchio!

I've enjoyed a reasonably well-paying career in radio-
electronics engineering, something influenced by doing three
years of large-scale military communications before 1956.

Amassing war stories of battles he didn't fight in, it seems.

Lucky for you you were better at investing your money than you
were in electronics, huh, Lennie?

I can't help your obvious reading DISABILITY, old man. My bylines are
still there and my mailing address is still the same. You WILL find my
name on HR's masthead, too.

Yes...Your by-lines are there as is your name on some mastheads.

What's NOT there is any evidence that the work was yours, nor is
there any evidence of participation IN Amateur Radio, third-party
operator or otherwise.

And even MORE glaring is a lack of evidence that "your" work ever
influenced or complimented a single Amateur Radio related project or

Not a one.

There's a website with a complete listing of HAM RADIO Magazine
articles...taken from HR's annual listings, probably. I don't have the
bookmark but you can find it through a search.

Of course I could get them out and do a manual
search just to see how much of a liar you really are, but naw, you're a

from the get-go and that'd be a waste of my time.

I wouldn't want your fantasy shattered. Keep believing your own lies.
You will find peace, happiness, and serentity in Nirvana of fantasy.

As YOU already have, it would seem, Lennie. You repeat them so
often, it MUST keep that "warm fuzzy" just that...

Whatever (if anything)
you may have contributed was too inconsequential to be of note.

How would you know?

The LACK of evidence is glaring, Sir Putzalot...Not a single
noteworthy item in ANY Amateur Radio related field save for your few
items in a now defunct magazine, and none of THAT verifyable as your
own work.

Hey, That's the way things work in the publishing world.


Have YOU ever sold any work to a publisher?

And if he HASN'T, Lennie?

I've sold work to five publishers of electronics interest, all of it without
once meeting the editors face to face. The work sold itself.

And I am sure the folks who did the real work appreciated you
doing that to see if it fell flat or not.

It was a FUN thing to do as a sideline, never intended to be of
"heavyweight" calibre.

Whew! Glad to hear that! That way you weren't disappointed!

And judging by the electronic world's complete ignorance of
Leonard H. Anderson, I'd say THAT speaks for the work too.

Feel free to spend weeks in the FCC Reading room, looking for all
those "bootlegging violations." You won't find any. I've never
bootlegged in radio or anything else under the ATF.

That simply means you didn't get caught. It's not evidence of
having not done it.

Army radio station ADA was hardly "obscure." It was in and near Tokyo
in central Honshu, rather farther up north from Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

Holy freakin smokes again ! ! !...Yet another diatribe on his
Army "career" of sixty years ago....

Rest snipped...Been that...

It's not nice to insult my wife...who is NOT "mailorder" and NOT under
any psychosis, nor did she ever get her degrees from any
"correspondence school."

Glad to hear that...Rumor was that Sally Struthers was getting
ready to sue you for defaming correspondence schools.

N2JTV not only "heard of me," he served with me in the same time,
same job, on another team (we had four). Gene and I have since
talked long distance and exchanged mail. He lives in Long Island, NY,
but his radio activity is mostly with radio-controlled model aircraft.

As to "claims," it ain't braggin if ya done it. I did it.

Not as a licensed Amateur Radio operator you didn't.

OF COURSE YOU DID. You KNOW things that other folks DON'T.

Wow! Heavyweight FANTASY material, old timer.

Whew, Lennie...Ya better duck before that one has a chance to
swing around the pole and come back and belt ya one...

Yes, we all KNOW that Missouri is a Mecca of "heavy hardware
radio transmitting iron." Yup, you've told us. :-) :-) :-)

Live with it.
OBTW, I was in your backyard again last week. I visited Yaesu USA Center at

Vertex Standard building in Cypress, and we toured around the
region a bit just looking things over.
Can't say I envy you living there.The place leaves a bad taste in one's

Literally. You don't know what clean air is.

Cypress is NOT even close to being in "my backyard."

Sure it is. Close enough to be there in 20 minutes...smog and
White Bronco pursuits notwithstanding.

California became the most populated state in the USA many years
ago. Many, many, many folks moved here because THEY liked it.

And now it's one of the most highly taxed, crime ridden places in
the United States.

Dunno about you, but I am impressed.

Best part of Californication I ever saw was in the rear view

Steve, K4YZ