Dwight Stewart wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote:
And then after a couple years, that nasty test
will be what is keeping people out of the ARS.
Yet, you and Dick are the only two in this thread who have even suggested
anything like that. Not a single person opposed to code testing has made any
such comments in this thread. And I certainly haven't made any comments
about reducing or eliminating the written tests.
It is simple crystal ball gazing, Dwight. I just look at a situation,
and work it out into the future. There are many people with many views,
people like you who support testing as it is now, and people who
support lessening the tests. BTW, I believe it was Bill Sohl who
proposed that sort of thing (yes, I know - not as an official NCI
position). At any rate, people being what they are, and now encouraged
by the recent changes, those who want less or no testing will feel
encouraged to speak up and see if they can get their wishes granted.
Nothing stays in one place. Liberals tend to get more liberal, and
conservatives get more conservative as they have success, until they
start getting out of touch with the mainstream. Some of you are just not
looking past the ends of your noses. The inability of people to set
still on something means that there will be calls to further "simplify"
or "make more inclusive" the requirements to be a Ham. Those of us who
think it should mean something will just be considered cranks.
As you no doubt consider us cranks, eh?
Most people are realistic.
Very true. Who among us, no matter what their opinion, doesn't think
they are being realistic? 8^)
I support keeping the written tests because
those tests serve a purpose which benefits me and the entire ham radio
community. Code testing, which a few of you can't seem to get past, doesn't
My comments about "keeping people out," or excluding people, only had to
do with test requirements designed to exclude instead of serving a need for
ham radio. Code testing once served a need, so did not exclude at that time.
If it remains today solely as a barrier to keep others out, it does exclude.
As does any test whatsoever! Testing in any form is a matter of your
definition exclusion, With even as hard a time as I had learning Morse
code, it is not harder than the rest of the testing regimen.
Brian's idea of stiffer written exams don't exclude if it serves a purpose
or need. However, if done solely to keep others out, it also does exclude.
How many CB'ers (who are not Hams already) have been tested for access
to their band? Many are running serious power, and they can put up
antennas and put rigs together. And operate just fine.
There is just no NEED for any testing whatsoever in order to do the
physical act of getting on the air. No need at all!
Unless of course, you would like to have the ARS mean a bit more than
Citizen's band radio.
We have to as hams decide just how adroit we want the new ham to be. As
the new lords of the hood, you NCTA's have to make sure of that.
Again, once we start down the path of excluding others, when does it stop
and who else do we exclude? Am I next in the list? Are you?
I wasn't going to say this, but I'm weary of the "exclusive" sthick
going on. I know a young lady who is a General class ham. She works
mostly CW. She's a pretty darn good Operator too. I'm not going to give
out her name or callsign to protect her privacy
She is also a person who attended special education classes for her
education. A dear woman, but not as smart as the average person.
And yet, somehow, some way, she learned Morse code, studied for and
passed the General test, and is now on the air as an active ham.
When I see the whining about exclusivity, and all the other complaining
about how unfair the Morse code test, I often think of her.
Then I think of the complainers and compare them, who think it is just
too hard, and her, she who took the trouble to learn, even though she
has not been blessed with the same gifts as most of us. She's a
brother/sister ham, and I'm happy and proud to INCLUDE her in the service.
Wanna guess who I respect more?
- Mike KB3EIA -