FC-20 Antenna Tuner broken on 10m ?
I'm using a Yaesu FC-20 ATU but find it won't work on (or near) the 10m
band. IF I try to tune the tuner takes ages and the 'SWR bars' on the 100D
seem to flicker as if there is a bad connection and then the tuner gives up.
It's not because the antenna is a bad match because i've tried a windom with
about 2-1 match and also a half-wave vertical whch is a good match at 1.5-1
but the tuner still can't 'see' this good match and won't tune.
Is there something in the tuner that is only used for 10m? Maybe a certain
inductor with a bad connection/broken that when it tries to 'select' for 10m
doesn't work? Or could it be the radio istelf? The tuner seems to work very
well on all the other bands (though it can be quite slow and sometimes
misses the best swr and finishes with 'two bars' for the match)
Thanks for any help,