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Old August 6th 03, 04:57 AM
Dave Heil
Posts: n/a

Vshah101 wrote:

From: Dave Heil k8mn

From: Dave Heil

So the activity in the photograph never really took place?

Could be? Don't you know? If you don't, you're just blowing smoke.

I let my membership expire. Its not worth renewing. The way I could verify the
info is to show up at individual events. I've done that and have trouble asking
them the questions I want to ask. I could email a few in the photograph, but I
only remember a few of their names.

You're tap dancing, Vipul.

I am pretty sure, that if I ask a few people from the photo if they are
interested in a homebrewing project, they will either say they are not
interested or too busy.

Maybe they ARE too busy. Maybe they find you an irritant. We'll never

Should there be a constant stream of
such projects or do you find it acceptable that such projects take place
from time to time?

If they are grouped in with other activites, that would be fine. These projects
haven't been there at all.

Nothing keeps you from homebrewing anything you like except for that
group activities fetish.

no one in a radio club wants to do what you want

Often true.

I'll try to work up some sympathy.

you being dismayed
that hams set out for an operating activity and then waste that time by
operating or you being under the impression that your travel to a
domestic location was a "DXpedition".

It was a vacation spot.

Did you go there with a radio club group intent on operating?

I wanted to do some of the vacation activies.

Oh? Did the club plan vacation activities or did you just assume that
was part of the trip?

Yes, that
the Hams did not do vacation activites (other than eating) did come as a surprise to me.

Far be it from you to actually find out in advance what the group
planned to do. From my perspective, your time in amateur radio has been
one endless litany of complaints.

Dave K8MN